MS in Accountancy

Tuition and Expenses

Below, you’ll find detailed information about tuition and estimated expenses related to the Full-Time MS in Accountancy program.

ItemRates (Based on 2024–2025 Academic Year)
Activity Fee$700/year
Mandatory Health Fee*$780/year
Health Insurance*$3,612/year
Room, Board & Transportation$18,396/year
Personal Expenses$2,466/year
International Services Office Fee$106/year
International Student Programming Fee$800 one-time fee
Internship Track (Optional)$5,250

*Based on the 2023-2024 rates, as the 2024-2025 rates are not finalized.

Please note that if you are traveling with family members, you should account for additional funds:

  • $7,000 - spouse
  • $7,000 - each child