Daniel Keating

Daniel Keating

Clinical Assistant Professor
Faculty Director of Academic Support
Area(s) of Expertise
General Business Administration

Dan Keating is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Faculty Director of Academic Support. He teaches courses in analytics, general business, communication, and applied AI in the MBA, Masters, and Undergraduate programs. Teaching is a mid-life career change for Dan: he had a 25+ year career in regional and global Technology organizations such as Oracle, Qlik, and smaller marketing and analytics firms. His clients included Apple, SAP, Dell, Abbott Labs, Merck, JP Morgan Chase, and others. In addition to teaching, Dan leads the Instructional Technology and Innovation (ITI) team at Simon Business School, which works with faculty to implement innovative instructional technologies to drive pedagogical success for all students. His teaching is highly rated by students, receiving multiple teaching awards. He has deep experience serving on community and commercial boards and as an elected official in his town.

Business Modeling with Excel
Financial Statement Analysis-Lab
New Product Strategy
Supervised Teaching CIS 211
Data-Driven Decision Making
Professional Communication
Teaching Interests

Analytics in Excel. Managerial Communications. Analytics Design. Product Management. Marketing. Technology.

3-160 F Carol Simon Hall