MS Business Analytics Student

Designed with your goals in mind.

Simon’s MS in Business Analytics curriculum was carefully designed to ensure that every student graduates with a strong foundation in analytics and a comprehensive business education. Our curriculum covers statistics, analytics, and core business areas so that you can build a solid platform for a successful career and lifetime of learning.



Choosing between internship and non-internship tracks.

Full-Time MS in Business Analytics students can choose between internship and non-internship tracks to accommodate their goals. The non-internship track has a shorter timeline, but the benefits of the internship track are many, including a wealth of valuable real-world experience that can prepare you for career success and help differentiate you from other candidates during your job search. A majority of our students choose this path for the hands-on experience and career preparation it provides.

Students are encouraged to consider the value that internships offer. Hands-on experience in the workplace is a great way to gain a competitive edge. While valuable, an internship is not required and it is important to note that we can’t guarantee placement. Talk with the Admissions Office about which track is right for you, and get more information on the Full-Time MS in Business Analytics program in our course catalog.

Real World Experience

Cylinder Cone Rectangle
Program Requirements

Students will work with their academic advisor to select elective courses that align with their career goals.

Click on a card for a brief course description.

GBA 464

Programming for Analytics

MGC 461

Professional Communication

GBA 468P

Predictive Analytics with Python

CIS 434

Social Media & Text Analytics

GBA 424

Analytics Design & Applications

CIS 467

Data Management, Warehousing & Visualization

GBA 462P

Core Statistics for MS Students Using Python

GBA 436R

Predictive & Causal Analytics in R

CIS 465

Business Analytics Project

GBA 463

Economics & Marketing Strategy for MS Students

Pencil Pen Ruler


Choose one of the following. 

Click on a card for a description of that course.

GBA 466

Accounting and Finance for MS Students

GBA 478

AI and Business

MKT 414

Pricing Policies

OMG 402

Operations Management

Choose two of the following.

Click on a card for a description of that course.

CIS 432

Machine Learning for Business Analytics

GBA 478

AI and Business

MKT 413

Product Management

MKT 438

B2B Pricing

MKT 440

Pricing Analytics

OMG 411

Supply Chian Analytics

CIS 431

Big Data

CIS 433

AI and Deep Learning

FIN 430

Risk Management

MKT 439

Advanced Pricing

Simon’s MS in Business Analytics program is STEM designated.

Simon's specialized master's program in Business Analytics meets all the requirements for a STEM-designated program. The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) designation signals analytical rigor to employers and also offers international students the opportunity to extend their Optional Practical Training (OPT) by 24 months—for up to three full years of US work eligibility without and H-1B visa.

Get more information on the MS in Business Analytics curriculum by downloading the course catalog.