David Tilson
Professor Tilson’s industry experience includes working in strategy consulting, mostly with McKinsey & Company, along with a decade in R&D and project management in the telecom, high-tech and media industries. He has consulted for clients in financial services, insurance, telecom, software and energy. His track record of accomplishments includes winning a Royal Television Society Award (British equivalent to an Emmy) for broadcast technology. Having lived and worked on three continents also gives him an understanding of business and collaboration in an international context. During a three year stint as Associate Dean of the Full-Time MBA he led initiatives to change the school’s approach to program pricing resulting in increased domestic applications. Rationalized program calendar to improve career outcomes and student satisfaction. Expanded programming for professional skill development to include problem solving and ethics while increasing emphasis on communication and teamwork skills with experiential learning. Initiated efforts to increase school’s visibility within the industry and to update the curriculum.
- Courses
Big DataBusiness Process Analysis & DesignStrategy and Business Systems Consulting PracticumStructured Problem Solving
- Research Interests
Dr. Tilson’s research primarily explores digital platforms and infrastructures. In other research streams he has explored technical standards, mobile computing, and improving operational efficiency in healthcare settings. He is published in journals such as Information Systems Research, Telecom Policy, Decision Support Systems, the European Journal of Information Systems, and Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. He has over 2600 citations on Google Scholar and won a best paper awards in (a) Mobile Technologies and Service Science Track at HICSS Conference and (b) Healthcare Management category at the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting.
- Teaching Interests
His teaching interests include strategic and business systems consulting, business process improvement, information systems, and analytics. He has led experiential learning for over 150 student teams through consulting projects with external companies and organizations. He has taught in the Simon Executive MBA program and led customized executive courses on teamwork, problem-solving, and project management. He also teaches courses on data management and on "Big Data" using Hadoop, Hive, and Spark (dataframes, machine learning, and data streaming) technologies.
- Publications
Dynamic Capabilities for Transitioning from Product Platform Ecosystem to Innovation Platform Ecosystem2022European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)Digitally Induced Industry Paradoxes: Disruptive Innovations of Taxiwork and Music Streaming Beyond Organizational Boundaries2021Research in the Sociology of OrganizationsGenerativity in Digital Infrastructures: A Research Note2017The Routledge Companion to Management Information SystemsDigital Platforms and Complexity2016Annual Meeting of the Academy of ManagementOptimizing the timing and number of batches for compounded sterile products in an in-hospital pharmacy2015Decision Support SystemsVolume76Introduction to the Special Issue: Mobile Commerce Research yesterday, today, tomorrow – what remains to be done?2015International Journal of Electronic CommerceIssue4Volume19Mathematical Modeling to Reduce Waste of Compounded Sterile Products in Hospital Pharmacies2014Hospital PharmacyIssue7Volume49Introduction to Innovation, Design, and Development of ICT-Enabled Services Minitrack201447th Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesQuantitative Case Study: Use of Pharmacy Patient Information Systems to Improve Operational Efficiency2014System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International ConferenceUse of a Markov Decision Process Model for Treatment Selection in an Asymptomatic Disease with Consideration of Risk Sensitivity2013Socio-Economic Planning SciencesIntroduction to Innovation, Design, and Analytics Supported Development of ICT Enabled Services Minitrack201346th Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesPlatform Complexity: Lessons from the Music Industry2013Hawaii International Conference of Systems SciencesPlatform Complexity – Lessons from Mobile Wireless201211th International Conference on Mobile Business (ICMB2012)The Paradoxes of Change and Control in Digital Infrastructure: The Mobile Operating Systems Case2011Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile BusinessDigital Infrastructures: The Missing IS Research Agenda2010Information Systems ResearchIssue4Volume21Unanticipated Influence of Coordination Mechanisms on Physician Workstyles and ED Operational Efficiency2010Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information SystemsDesperately seeking the Infrastructure in IS Research: Conceptualization of "Digital Convergence" as co-evolution of social and technical infrastructures2010Hawaii International Conference of System SciencesOperational Performance of a US Emergency Department: Impact of Coordination Mechanisms and Physician Workstyles2008Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Productivity and Quality ResearchUnanticipated Influence of Coordination Mechanisms on Physician Workstyles and ED Operational Efficiency2008Towards a Theoretical Framework for Studying the Effect of Mobile-ICT on Coordination2007Proceedings of the Hawai'i International Conference on System SciencesThe 3G Transition: Changes in the US Wireless Industry2006Telecommunications PolicyIssue10-11Volume30Coordination of technology and diverse organizational actors during service innovation – the case of the wireless data services in the United Kingdom2006Proceedings of the Helsinki Mobility RoundtableAn Actor-Network Study of 3G Standards Making and Adoption in the US Wireless Industry - A Case of Wireless Operator Standardization Strategies2005Proceedings of the Hong Kong Mobility RoundtableThe 3G Transition: Changes in the US Wireless Industry2004Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Environments, Systems, and OrganizationsVolume4Yacht Video System for the Whitbread Round the World Race1996Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal of the IEEIssue6Volume8