Derek Mohr
Clinical Associate Professor
Area(s) of Expertise
Derek has been teaching finance and applied economics at the undergraduate and graduate level for 19 years. His courses have included corporate finance, derivatives, international finance and financial mathematics. Professor Mohr is also an experienced corporate attorney who is admitted to practice in New York.
- Courses
Applied Finance ProjectCryptocurrencies, Blockchain & FinTechFinancial ManagementFinancial TechnologyCorporate FinanceOptions, Future & DerivativesInternational FinanceOptions, Future&DerivativesAcct & Fin for MS Students
- Research Interests
Research interests include fintech, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, along with legal and regulatory issues.
- Teaching Interests
Recent teaching interests include a newly developed course in FinTech at the graduate and undergraduate level that includes blockchain, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence and quantum computing
- Publications
Corporate Governance2010Prentice-HallIssue3Regulated Investment Companies2004Mertens Law of Federal Income TaxationAlien Taxpayers and the U.S. Income Tax2003Immigration BriefingsOn the Application of CERCLA to Noncorporate Entities: An Analysis of the Redwing Decisions1997Western Reserve Law Review