Joanna Wu
Susanna and Evans Y. Lam Professor
Area(s) of Expertise
Professor Wu’s research speaks to issues related to financial disclosure and regulations as well as the behavior of financial institutions and intermediaries. Her work has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Finance, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, and Review of Financial Studies, among others. She has been named to the Simon School Dean’s Teaching Honor Roll numerous times. Professor Wu is an editor of the Journal of Accounting and Economics.
- Courses
Accounting Research IAccounting SeminarFinancial Accounting
- Research Interests
Financial disclosure and regulation; the behavior of financial institutions and intermediaries
- Teaching Interests
Corporate financial reporting
- Publications
Running without Moving? Corporate Disclosure and Annual Price Discovery in Bad versus Good Times2025The Accounting ReviewPartisan regulatory actions: Evidence from the SEC2025Journal of Accounting and EconomicsA review of China-related accounting research in thepast 25 years2022Journal of Accounting and EconomicsGood Buffer, Bad Buffer: Smoothing in banks’ loan loss provisions and the response to credit supply shocks2020Journal of Law, Finance, and AccountingIssue4 (2)Should I Stay or Should I Grow? Using Voluntary Disclosure to Elicit Market Feedback2020Review of Financial StudiesIssue8Volume33Is Silence Golden? Real Effects of Mandatory Disclosure2019Review of Financial StudiesIssue6Volume32Mandatory IFRS Adoption and the Role of Accounting Earnings in CEO Turnover2019Contemporary Accounting ResearchIssue1Volume36Idiosyncratic Shocks to Firm Underlying Economics and Abnormal Accruals2017The Accounting ReviewIssue2Volume92Quarter-end Repo Borrowing Dynamics and Bank Risk Opacity2015Review of Accounting StudiesDo Analyst Stock Recommendations Piggyback on Recent Corporate News? An Analysis of Regular-Hour and After-Hours Revisions2015Journal of Accounting ResearchIssue4Volume53The Adoption of Internationally Recognized Accounting Standards: Implications for the Credit Markets2014Journal of Accounting, Auditing and FinanceIssue2Volume29Why Do Mutual Fund Advisory Contracts Change? Fund versus Family Influences2011Journal of FinanceIssue1Volume66Why Do Mutual Fund Advisory Contracts Change? Performance, Growth, and Spillover Effects2011Journal of FinanceIssueFebruary 2011What Determine Financial Analysts' Career Outcomes During Mergers?2009Journal of Accounting and EconomicsIssueMarch 2009The Voluntary Adoption of Internationally Recognized Accounting Standards and Firm Internal Performance Evaluation2009The Accounting ReviewIssueJuly 2009Unintended Consequences of Granting Small Firms Exemptions from Securities Regulation: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act2009Journal of Accounting ResearchIssueMay 2009Discussion of 'Will Harmonizing Accounting Standards Really Harmonize Accounting? Evidence from Non-U.S. Firms Adopting US GAAP'2008Journal of Accounting, Auditing and FinanceIssue2008Asymmetric Sensitivity of CEO Cash Compensation to Stock Returns2006Journal of Accounting and EconomicsIssueOctober 2006Why do Managers Voluntarily Issue Cash Flow Forecasts?2006Journal of Accounting ResearchIssueMay 2006Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd: A Case Study2004Journal of Accounting EducationIssue2004Incentives versus Standards: Properties of Accounting Income in Four East Asian Countries2003Journal of Accounting and EconomicsIssueDecember 2003Earnings Skewness and Analyst Forecast Bias2003Journal of Accounting and EconomicsIssueApril 2003Accounting Standards, the Institutional Environment and Issuer Incentives: Effect on Timely Loss Recognition in China2000Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and EconomicsIssueDecember 2000Truth in Mutual Fund Advertising: Evidence on Future Performance and Fund Flows2000Journal of FinanceIssueApril 2000