Phillip Lederer
Phillip J Lederer has taught and researched operations management at the University of Rochester since August 1984.
- Research Interests
Professor Lederer has research interests in operations management and its integration with economic theory. His current research focuses on three areas: the financial justification of manufacturing technology, performance evaluation in operations and competition in network-based industries. His work has appeared in Econometrica, the International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, the Journal of Manufacturing and Operations management, the Journal of Operations Management, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Regional Science and Urban Economics and Transportation Science. Lederer is associate editor of the International Journal of Production Economics and an occasional referee for Econometrica, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, Management Science, Operations Research and the Review of Economic Studies.
- Teaching Interests
Operations Management, Operations Strategy,
Service operations, Negotiating and bargaining
and Game theory
- Publications
Can Information Economics Explain the Organization of Productive Facilities?2021Journal of Economics & Management StrategyLocation-Price Competition with Delivered Pricing and Elastic Demand2020Networks and Spatial EconomicsIssue2Volume20Economics of Information Processing in Operations Organization201952nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)Do Improvement Programs Complement Each Other2016SpringerUniform Delivered Pricing2012Journal of Regional ScienceIssue4Volume52Eliciting a Customer's Demand Distribution in a Service Setting2012Decision Sciences, April 2012Issue2Volume43Competitive delivered pricing by mail-order and internet retailers2011Networks and Spatial EconomicsIssue2Volume11Pricing Policy Choice by Internet Retailers2010Refereed Conference Proceedings: HICSS, HawaiiRetail Bank Services Strategy: A Model of Traditional, Electronic and Mixed Distribution Choices2006Annals of Information SystemsIssuein Managing in the Information EconomyCurrent Research Issuesin the seriesVolume1Retail Bank Services Strategy: A Model of Traditional, Electronic and Mixed Distribution Choicces2006Managing in the Information Economy Current Research Issues in the series Annals of Information SystemsIssueDecember 2006Volume1Economic Evaluation of Scale Dependent and Irreversible Technology Investments2005Production and Operations ManagementIssue1Volume14A Model of Competitive Delivered Spatial Pricing2003Network and Spatial EconomicsRetail Bank Distribution Choice2001Journal of ManagementInformation SystemsBranch Bank Network Structure With Electronic Transactions Considerations2000Proceedings of the 33rdHawaii International Conference on System Science-2000Airline Network Design1998Operations ResearchPricing, Production, Scheduling and Delivery-Time Competition1997Operations Research“Introduction to the Volume,” Practice of Quality Management1997Kluwer Academic PublishersEconomics of Total Quality Management1995Journal of Operations ManagementCompetitive Delivered Pricing and Production1994Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1994; reprinted in The Economics of Location, 1993Predicting The Winner's Curse1994Decision SciencesThe Effect of Financing Decisions on the Choice of Manufacturing Technologies1994International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsA Competitive Network Design Problem with Pricing1993Transportation ScienceAirline Scheduling and Routing in a Hub and Spoke System1993Transportation ScienceChoosing Production Control and Cost Accounting Systems1990Measures for Manufacturing Excellence, Harvard Business School PressCompetitive Location on Networks Under Delivered Pricing1990Operations Research LettersEffect of Cost Structure and Demand Risk in the Justification of New Technologies1988Journal of Manufacturing and Operations ManagementManagement Applications of Game Theory1987Pergamon Press, OxfordIssueM.K. SinghCompetition of Firms: Discriminatory Pricing and Location1986Econometrica, 1986; reprinted The Economics of Location, 1993Duopoly Competition in Networks1986Annals of Operations ResearchSpatial Duopoly with Discriminatory Pricing1985Regional Science and Urban Economics