Behavioral Skills

The value of behavioral skills in business education

June 5, 2023 | By Bret Ellington


While technical abilities and analytical learning will always be crucial to a business professional’s success, the importance of one’s ability to communicate well, work within a team, and adapt while problem solving cannot be understated. These abilities, known as “behavioral skills,” are more difficult to measure than other areas of expertise. They require continuous development and are essential to giving candidates an edge in an ever-competitive job market.    

What are behavioral skills?

They’re sometimes referred to as “people skills,” “noncognitive” or even “communication skills.” However, we believe “behavioral skills” encompass much more. How an individual uses emotional intelligence, adaptability, empathy, critical thinking, and even time management to solve complex problems all fall into the category of soft skills.

Why are they sometimes called soft skills?  

As we’ve said before, we’re not big fans of this term. While the word “soft” may help differentiate these skills from those considered “hard skills,” which are gained from technical training and refer to a candidate’s ability to perform in various disciplines, some equate the word “soft” to insignificant. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, 98% of employers say they’re looking for this skill set when hiring.

Behavioral skills at Simon.

The Jay S. and Jeanne Benet Career Management Center (Benet CMC) is focused on preparing students for professional success. From the very first day of a student’s academic career, we place a huge emphasis on how to apply behavioral skills during the job search and in the workplace.

Jillian Duggan is an assistant director of career education and professional development at Simon Business School. In the video below, she explains the steps the Benet CMC is taking to prepare students with the behavioral skills needed to make an impact in the future of global business. 

The value of behavioral skills in business education.


Bret Ellington

Bret Ellington is a senior copywriter at Simon Business School.

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